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Saturday, 11 January 2014

Forum stalker o-o

    right i was as the title says "forum stalking"  #SuchASwagNameForATitle     and anyway vip is fair you save up and everything and they purchase or buy (i was being fancy) then like the magical llama-unicron gives you money and diamonds and the vip sing of course xD if you believe in unicorns and llamas comment in the commentyy bit (y) yet again no stupid face here is ze forum 

there is the forum NOW FOR COMMENTSSSSS ↓

even a person who is a starter gets it!!!! i wanna update my banner but what effects is there and what website COMMENT WHERE!!!


  1. Remember go on photo edit :'D and pick the middle (;

  2. @Toni waite yea thats what i do :D
