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Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Hey i havent posted in agesss, ok so i like playing this game it's called duck life ;p (without the ;p) i am also watching millionaire matchmaker, the guys are just ew and rediculos!!! one was tring to make her stay the night :OOO on the first date :O ok back to duck life o-o yayyy These are minee ok (there all the same and i dressed him up)
okkk and byeeee ~Lucyyy<'33

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Msp Dating

i am not a fan of internet dating and this guy comes out of no where and says all this... (btw i am staying Amy's back :D)
and that's him he's so rude don't add him unless you want to actually date :) ookk ~Lucy♥

Friday, 7 February 2014

Important (please read)

Ok as most of you know I've been putting ~Quit Team~ it's really jyst a mimic of all those teams but this one is important... it's about people who want to quit but they can't because people make them stay in the end and they feel miserable! Ok so I have decided that I am ACTUALLY quitting NO-ONE is keeping me in this dump any longer ok and if you ask for my account you are unfriended, blocked and reported! And on a separate note... When I'm gone carry on do what you like because I'm being me and knly me. You'll be you and only you don't let anyone change that, you are perfect the way you are ♡ ily all especially my true friends! Time to express what I think in this picture hope you follow this all your life like I do..
Keep doing what you love keep hating what you hate and be you ♡ I'll post soon Lucy xx

Sunday, 26 January 2014

My little Cassie ♥

i was sticking up for Cassie against look at meeeeeee (the bully) yes i have been reported twice by her and her friend toffeewoffee2905 so yes they were rude so i just wanted to say to them and cassie some things on here (y) Bullies: you are not Fabulous and never EVER hurt my Cassie again she is amazing thank you Cassie: haters are only jelous of you because of you shamzingness :D ilyyy picturesss:.......
okk yeah byeee ily cassiiieeeee ~Lucy ♥

Saturday, 25 January 2014


Yes had a match today if you don't know what waterpolo is then google It or pretend idc okk we lost 3-6 Tribes beat us well win next time :D Short post & current time 22::22 it's so fun like that yayyy Ok byee ilyyy evrn though none reads this :) ~Lucy♡

Friday, 24 January 2014

oh my god o-o

 I was in the mall like a loner but heyyy :D anyway here is a really stupid thingg

"It's a game not!!" Quote: Redllama yeahh i used it
and i guy in the back round was laughing xD see i'd laugh if she said no but she left the mall he was ditched never say i love you until you know it's true :D 

~Lucy (might post later)

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Random Picture Of The Week! xD

 ook here is the picture ok i found it so funny, i just though why doesn't everyone do this it's so sensible with not much waiting and stuff okk so here you go... i dare you when your older or something DO THIS!! and see what people think xD hereeee.....

GO MY LITTLE STALKERS!!! CREATE YOUR CAR AND WALKK IN THE DRIVE THROUGH!!! xD I WILL BE IN THE CAR BEHIND (yeah you geussed it stalkers i am your stalker xD) welcome guys you are to sexy to walk into the shop no use the drive through!!!! xD  

Lucy outt ♥